
As a developer I find myself frequently working across multiple friend and client sites where they implement Shopify. Shopify has a wonderful themekit CLI which allows you to jump between versions of themes rapidly, but there is a problem with it...

The problem, I found, is once you start juggling multiple websites it becomes a hassle because you need to remember or store multiple URL and secret keys. Therefore I developed the Shopify themekit UI which is an electron.js wrapper around the themekit CLI. This wrapper stores and remembers your client information so jumping around is incredibly easy once the information has been entered.

  • If you are interested in the code base you can find it on my github page.
  • If you are interested in just the most recent release binaries you can find the Windows or Mac applications on the github release page.

I intend to expand on it with additional features and as needs or requests arise.. Some ideas include, breaking out each project into separate folders instead of the root directory.